Brand Design
Consultant &
Creative Director
Hello. I’m a creative consultant and designer based in Surrey. I’ve been generating ideas and designing for brands for over 30 years. I collaborate with brand decision makers, creative agencies and in-house design teams to inspire, create, develop or rejuvenate brands.
I’m all about ideas-led design, joined-up conceptual and strategic thinking and crafted execution that’s fit for purpose. About bringing well defined brand values to life to engage and motivate. About ideas that support a clear, unifying vision which is vital for brand design to be effective and contribute to commercial success.
My work includes enduring, award-winning design for famous brands and for start-ups across many sectors including luxury, retail, professional services, telecoms, FMCG, travel and hospitality. From high-end to high street. From 747s to extra virgin olive oil. From catwalk to catch-up.
I’ve led creative teams in London, Sydney and Amsterdam, in agencies and in-house. I’m proud to have worked as a designer and Creative Director at some of the most awarded creative agencies, as well as for one of Britain’s best loved brands.
And I’m an artist. Painting recharges my creative energy and gets me thinking in different ways. My art website is here.
To find out more or start a conversation about how I can help, please get in touch.
Thanks for taking the time to look around.